Five Adoption Books for Kids

At the beginning of our adoption journey, several things intimidated us (some things still do). Like straight up scared us! The biggest fear worry was how would we explain adoption to Harper and how she became a special member of our family. We wanted to make sure that she always felt loved and that we also respected her birth mother's privacy. I reached out to my go-to adoption support group for ideas and the moms gave me several suggestions. My favorite idea was to buy her several adoption books for kids and occasionally read them to her. With a list of book titles, off to Amazon I went! There is a huge variety of books to choose from, but I only bought the books that were similar to our adoption journey. (Warning: If you are a cry baby sensitive person like me, I would advise you to read the books alone and get your first, possibly second ugly shower cry out. Don't say I didn't warn you!) 

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Every night before she goes to sleep, a kangaroo prays under the stars for a baby to love and hold. One day, as she rests under a tree, a baby bird falls out of its crowded nest—plop!—right into her pouch! Now, every night before they fall asleep, Momma-Roo and Little One thank God for all their Blessing From Above. . . but especially for each other.

"Mama," said Barley. "Tell me again how I'm your wish come true."
Thus begins this beautiful story for adoptive families. I Wished for You: An Adoption Story follows a conversation between a little bear named Barley and his Mama as they curl up in their favorite cuddle spot and talk about how they became a family. Barley asks Mama the kinds of questions many adopted children have, and Mama lovingly answers them all.

As Little Fox gets ready for bed, Mama Fox tells him the miraculous story of his arrival. First, there was the waiting: 'I'd go up to the cliffs and watch for you,' Mama Fox tells her child. Then, finally, both their prayers were answered, the day God delivered Little Fox to Mama Fox: "When God Found Us You, you made me the happiest mama in the world."

Over the Moon, is an affirming story about international adoption, based on the author's own experience with her daughter. A magical, reassuring story of one adoptive family's beginnings, told in words and pictures that are just right for the youngest child.

Rosie's Family is a story about belonging in a family regardless of differences. Rosie is a beagle who was adopted by schnauzers. She feels different from the rest of her family, including her brother, who is the biological child of her parents and sets forth many questions that children who were adopted may have.

Harper is now five and understands that even though she wasn't born in my tummy, she was a special prayer come true. She tells everyone that will listen how she was handpicked by God to be our daughter and us her parents. I am so glad that we decided to go this route of explaining adoption to her! She will forever be our greatest blessing.

Do you have any favorite adoption books for kids?


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